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Language & Music

Did you know that over 75% of Finns can communicate in English? Furthermore, many Finns are proficient in more than three languages, including Finnish, English, Swedish, German, French, Spanish, or Russian. Immerse yourself in the bilingual Finnish and Swedish regions, where you can learn from our experienced teachers and naturally improve your language skills. AuroraCareer@ is dedicated to preparing you to master oral and written Finnish, Swedish, and English efficiently.

Music and music education has always been an important part of Finnish culture. As a curiosity Finland boasts the highest concentration of heavy metal bands globally, with an astonishing 70 bands per 100,000 inhabitants. AuroraCareer@ connects you with music programs and professionals, introducing you to contemporary pop, rock, heavy, musicals and dance music.

Finns are known to be polite and a bit shy and the first to tell you that they are not perfect. But although Finland may be the land of humble bragging and quirky charm, one thing’s for sure – it’s a place where you will be amazed at the warmth of Finnish hospitality. Come and join us! You can focus on learning Finnish, Swedish, and English or take your musical interest to a new level – be it Pop, Rock, Heavy Metal or Jazz. Just don’t forget to pack your sense of humor and a sturdy pair of mittens – you’ll need ’em!

Contact Us

Your Finnish adventure awaits!
Send us an e-mail with your contact information and we will get in touch with you to hear more about your dreams and plans!